Facts & Statistics

More than 130 thousand cars already have new number plates

From 1 July, newly registered vehicles in Hungary will be given an official number plate consisting of four letters and three numbers.

The number of cars with new license plates has increased by more than 30,000 in the past month, to more than 130,000. More than two-thirds of the license plates with Hungary’s coat of arms have been fitted to passenger cars, of which more than 95,000 are currently on the road, the Ministry of Technology and Industry said.

The number of newly registered vehicles with green plates is now over 6,500, they said.

Last month, the number of applications remained slightly below 250, with the majority of the 1,500 unique plates in circulation nationwide having been issued in July.

The rate of increase in the number of new cars has remained unchanged from recent months. Based on the data so far, the number of new vehicles would be close to 400,000 for a full year. This exceeds the 310,000-315,000 new vehicles registered last year and the year before, and surpasses 2019 when 385,000 new vehicles were registered.

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