Labor & Education

Industry knowledge is embedded into vocational training

Minister of Innovation and Technology László Palkovics has handed over two more two-year mandates to the chairs of the 19 skills councils.

The mission of the renewed vocational education and training is to offer opportunities to all young people, regardless of their different circumstances and career plans. Students can acquire up-to-date vocational skills based on requirements that reflect the needs of the economy. Vocational schools offer three years to learn a profession that promises job security and decent wages. The five-year technical schools also provide a baccalaureate, making it easier to go on to higher vocational education. Vocational training thus offers many people close-to-personalized opportunities.

According to the ministry, more and more companies are becoming involved in dual training, often helping to prepare their future employees from the very beginning. Companies using the latest technologies can also prepare trainers more effectively. They add that institutions should encourage greater involvement of economic operators through direct contact. The sectoral skills councils, which have been in operation for two years, are the primary fora for the continuous mapping of the knowledge required by employers.

According to Palkovics, “making vocational training more flexible is important for changing the knowledge-based dimension of the economy and increasing its competitiveness. We have modernized the structure, content and methodology of the entire system in close cooperation with Hungarian enterprises and chambers of commerce, drawing on their experience.”

According to the minister, the success of the steps taken so far is confirmed by the fact that for the second year in a row, most of those who continue their education after the eighth grade opt for technical schools. 

Based on enrolment figures, more than 42 percent of this year’s entrants chose technical schools offering both vocational training and a baccalaureate, far ahead of any other type of school.

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